Monday, April 12, 2010

Anyway- Here's the schedule. If you're curious.

Well, since I'm trying to make this look more like film stills, i don't have as many huge tableau's to create. I guess I'll make a list of what I have to do and when I plan to do it.

I'm narrowing down my number of tableau's to 6. I'm trying to stick with the ones that I feel have the most potential in the shortest ammount of time. There are some that aren't quite thought through as well and, while I intend to continue with those and make them, too. For this project, they're probably best.

1. Butterflies on the Lamp- I've already shot this one, but Barry gave me some really interesting tips for how to make the lighting more interesting and dramatic there. So, when i re-shoot for the smaller, mis en scene type photos for this one, i'll probably give that a shot and see how it works for the project.

2. Stalactites in the Dining Room- ooohh the stalactites. they've been pretty painful to work with since i've started. It took 7 1/2 cans of "Great Stuff" foam insulator just to make the things! and painting them has Anyways, they're almost finished, i just need one more can of spray paint, which i cant buy until i tonight, because i've been broke since last week... but my dad's gonna be in the shot, so i'll probably shoot that Thursday, since i need it to be taken during daylight hours.

3. Morning Glories Under the Bed- This one i haven't really started on, honestly because it's an easier one to set up... I really just need a bunch of vines, mostly just green vines, and then a few flowering ones. i get to sort of artfully make them flow up the bed and TADAH! well, there's more to it than just THAT...but yea. my only fear with this one is lighting, i want for it to be at night, so i think i'm gonna have to like put some can lights under the bed and then maybe use the hall light or something to make more ambient light and a suuuper long shutter speed. i'll have to be sure they're sharp.

4. Glow Worms in the Closet- the glow worms have also been kinda painful to deal with... i bought some clear silicone toProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ake the mucus-y part of them that hangs down (gross..i know) but my dad told me i actually bought clear silicone Adhesive, not clear silicone caulking. because of that, i couldn't get the strings off of the wax paper, and get to re-do them. oh joy.
i've worked out a way to use regular string lights for the worms instead of LED string lights, so that's good and i have a way to hang all of this, and my dad bought me some silicone caulk yesterday. so i'm thinking (right now, at least) that i'll make more strings tonight, and hang them and shoot them wednesday night. (i work tuesday)

5. Hair in the Bath Tub- this is the last on I'm really worried about. I want to have a woman shaving her legs, but the bathtub is full of human hair-there's even hair coming out of the faucet... it's pretty awesome. buuuttt... where does one get that much fake hair? yea... because that's all i really need, just hair... but where?

6. Nests in the Pantry- i'm currently making giant birds nests. they're pretty cute. I need more moss and some eggs and a bit more raw dried vines. but it should be pretty sweet. i'm pretty excited for this one...

Soo yea. those are the ones i'm still going to execute for the project. the others i still intend to do, but not for this.

my shooting schedule for this week is:

Monday april 12th- re-make glow worm strings and finish painting stalactites

Tuesday april 13th- go to austin to get big paper and new camera charger before work. reshoot butterflies photo after work

Wednesday april 14th- edit butterflies photos, maybe make prints in class. after school is out (8pm) finish making glow worms, shoot them. make sure stalactites are done for thursday.

Thursday april 15th- install stalactites and shoot before class. go to class, work, etc..

Friday april 16th- drop by school, get glow worm and stalactite photos off camera. edit a little bit. go by hobby lobby to get some supplies.

Saturday april 17th- work 10-6. go home and shoot morning glories photo (will probably have to get advice from barry and re-shoot).

Sunday april 18th- Come up to the school by 2 and print. Hopefully go home by like 6:30...

Monday- have prints. look like badass. restore professor's faith in project (as well as gpa...hopefully) :)

Dont Write Me Off

Alright. here's the deal.

I'M GOING TO GET THE PROJECT DONE! (and done to the best of my ability)
i swear
working full time, going to school full time, never having money, constantly being sick this semester, and never getting any sleep have certainly caused me to be in a different place in my project, but hell if I'm not trying. ( i know that i'm not the only college student that deals with this and much more day in and day out, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true for me) i HATE that i'm probably going to make a bad grade because i didnt pick a project that i'm lukewarm about. i'm sorry i didnt take photos of my dog or some awkward couple i know, but that's just not quite me.

wait for the final project day.

i get that there's all of these mini-deadlines and you're trying to teach us how to have a good work flow, how to print and re-print, etc... but come on. is there no consideration of different circumstances that come into play for people who aren't living on campus with mom and dad's money and have very little else to do during the day?
i haven't slept well in almost a month because of this class.
it's ridiculous. even when i'm asleep i get nightmares that i've got everything done and finished, but i wake up and have slept through the critique.

i guess i've already made my bad impression. it really truly was not my intent. i've enjoyed this class and i've learned a great deal about the medium. i dont want to burn my bridges and i get that there has to be some sort of system of accountability for a month of class work, but just be aware that i'm a person.

i have way too much of my plate right now. and i'll admit i've added even more with this project. i get it. you were probably right. and i really hope you dont feel disrespected by my project choice. that really wasnt my intent. I want for you to understand, I want for you to appreciate what it is i'm doing and help me when you can and i know that you are trying your best... but i can feel you writing me off. Dont. I'm better than that. I know i'm not like the other people in this class and I know i'm not going to be one of those people who lives off grants the rest of their career... but i care about this too, and I'm really taking your criticism and your advice and i appreciate how much it is helping this project.

i'm still going to do the project that i set out to do. i know in my heart that it will turn out how i want for it to. i just worry about the reception it's going to get...

expect 10 perfect prints on monday. i'm doing wProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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t i say i'm doing. i'm working on this whenever i can, it takes a lot of time and crafting to get this project right. it's not as easy as going out and just taking your camera with you wherever you go, you know?

like i said. 10 perfect prints on monday.

maybe then we can start over?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Final...

Hey. First blog entry. T-minus 4 hours till I have to get up for class...haha thank god for ashley, otherwise I wouldn't have even known i needed to get this done. Well, honestly i'm really tired right now. School's been a little weird/crazy, as has work...and my family...and my friends.

Just got home a few hours ago from seeing my mother's side of the family up in Sherman,TX. We went up for my cousin's baby shower. It was fun, although im really glad to be home... It's just a different world up there.

Anyway, I guess i should start talking about my project. Thats why i've started this blog. For my final in Advanced Digital Photo we're doing a rather large final project.

Im not entirely sure how i want to word what i plan on doing, but here goes. Basically, I'm really interested in these sort of "happenings" (that's what jessica- my intro prof last year- called them last year and i think it's pretty fitting). Im interested in making visually seductive photographs of these sort of strange/humorous/beautiful/paranormal/unsettling scenes. It's really important to me and the way that i want to communicate with my work to be very careful and understand the mindset viewers have when they interact with it.

Not too sure that made much sense, but hey it's my blog.

Anyway, these "happenings" start out as a random thought for me. It's always one image that starts out in my head and wont go away. The first image for me in this series was a fridge. It's night time, the door is wide open, we can see a variety of perfectly packaged food, nice cabinets and tiled floors. The glow of the fridge is bright and has that sort of odd yellowish color that older models have. The freezer is cracked open slightly and it's very dark in there. There's vapor coming out of it, because of the cold, and a large tentacle is coming out of it. It's reaching into the fridge and wrapped around the milk jug.

What the fuck does that mean?
Believe me, i wonder the same thing.

So i get these images, this time the tentacle in the freezer, and i just think about them. I wonder what made me think of it. What is going on in my life, what am i wondering about, what am i dealing with? Then it just sort of flows from there.

More images follow.

As i've thought of them, planned them, etc... The pictures begin to make more sense. I've realized that with this series i'm dealing with repression and secret things a great deal. There's something that is meant to be unseen, unspoken, hidden from sight, brought out into plain, abeit miraculous, view. In most of my planned images (which i'll talk about when i've had sleep...) take natural elements and put them into the home in this kind of unnatural, beautiful way. But they have a sort of strange, unsettling undertone. I want for there to be a sort of arc in viewing them. There's the initial awe and wonder-type feeling- large prints, bright colors, unnatural and interesting scenes. Then things sort of change. One moves from image to image, and there's a feeling of consumption. These miraculous happenings are a bit too much, they're not horror films, but they are overbearing. They creep in too much. There's this feeling of invasion inside of these personal spaces that's meant to be both beautiful and a bit appauling. Viewers experience that uncomfortable swell in the bottom of their stomach. I want them to want to keep viewing, to feel like they're too tapped in to leave, but at the same time, they're casting sideways glances at other groups of photographs, ones that wont make them experience this sort of reverse voyerism.

As one experience the pictures, there's meant to be a sense of the pictures viewing them. Their own happenings. Private spaces, suburban and typical. A fridge that everyone can relate to is more than a fridge and a latex tentacle. It's the things you dont want to admit. The creeping sensation we all feel when we think about the things we dont like to acknowledge about ourselves. It's beautiful and fragile, but it's unsettling.

That's the feeling i get when i think about these images. It's the feeling i want to convey.
This is a long blog entry. When i re-read it later, i'm probably going to be embarrassed by all of the spelling errors, and a little ashamed of the over the top wording. But yea.
Next time, i guess i'll get into my "process" for lack of a less jackassy term, and how i intend to move forward with this project.
